Illumination: In-process Creation
Illumination, Medallion X pattern.
Let the fun begin!
I love creating!
I love designing with fabric and color and design!
Illumination, Medallion X began as a 36” medallion pattern that was sparked by my walk of faith. You do not need to see what I see, or believe as I do, but I thought I would share my thoughts with you. In this design I see abstracted lampposts in the corners exploding out from the crossed center.
For me Illumination, Medallion X speaks of my relationship with Christ. I endeavor to live with Him at the center of all I do, allowing His light to shine outward from me. (My apologies to those I encounter when I’m not successful. We are all human.) Purple is a royal color. We are all royal sons and daughters. Blue speaks of fluid water, among other things, a symbol of the Holy Spirit who walks with me every day. The bright, multi-colored top speaks of vibrant life and playful joy.
Basted and snipped. Ready to stitch.
I felt inspired by Island Batik's fabrics for summer 2016 to take this pattern off my shelf and make it a quilted medallion.
Hand Reverse Applique
Illumination beginning to appear.
I always start with my hand-created versions. Hand work is my 1st quilting love. A beautiful orchidy-purple (111612265) revealed in a sea of blue-green (#111609283) with fabrics from the Wind & Sea collection. Using our Trace, Baste, Snip & Stitch process, I began. I traced the design onto the background fabric. Next the background fabric was layered with the top fabric and the basting commenced. But in the interest of time and meeting deadlines, my EOB hand stitching Elf , Shari took over.
Spring Zing, love that name, fabrics for Machine Illumination.
Machine Reverse Applique
I turned my attention to the machine version. Deep, bold purple (Blenders BE24-A1) showing the design forth through bright, sassy colors (Spring Zing collection, 111614336). I followed the steps of our Trace, Snip, Iron & Stitch process.
As I was tracing the design onto the Soft Fuse, I got bit by the creative bug. I began imagining a border surrounding the medallion. So I got more fabric from the generous people at Island Batik.
Carefully cutting the shapes out with my Kai sharp scissors, and organizing them in a baggie for use on the borders.
I carefully cut out the shapes, right on the lines of the design, and saved the pieces in baggies for future use.
Then the fun began.
I spent an afternoon on the floor…I have a design floor, not a design wall…positioning my fused cutouts on the 10” x 36” border and 10” x 10” corner blocks. ( If anyone peaked in they might think I was a bit nuts. Happy, but nuts.)
Playing with fabric and placement on my design floor.
I found an arrangement that “worked” for me. The positioning of the pieces both augmented the center medallion, continuing the outward bursting, and framed it.
To my basement quilting studio
I drew the mid-lines of height and width on my borders, and the mid-lines of height, width and diagonals of my corner blocks. At times I used my rulers to help line up my shapes from right to left. After I was satisfied with the placement of my cutouts, I peeled off the paper and fused them down with my iron.
Mark border fabric with centers of height and width to aide in placement of the cut-outs,
On corner blocks, mark diagonals, too.
Off to the store
It was time to go shopping for thread. After playing on the floor of my local Jo-Ann’s, I decided bright orange thread was the best choice for the machine applique. Home to stitch.
All shapes, reverse applique and applique, are satin stitched with orange. Ready to assemble the 56" quilt.
Call me old-fashioned, but I love the look of a clean, tight satin stitch. I stitched and stitched and stitched- machine reverse-appliqueing the center Illumination medallion, and machine appliqueing the cutouts in the borders and corner blocks. Then I assembled the top to create a piece 56” x 56”.
I happily carried the Illumination top, with prepared batting and backing to Brenda Willis of Cozy Quilting for her long arm expertise. I have primarily been a hand quilter, but doing some machine quilting with a domestic machine. (This will change in the future as I recently bought a long arm. Now I just have to learn how to quilt with it.)
All beautifully quilted by long arm quilter, Brenda Willis, Cozy Quilting.
Brenda and I conferred on designs. It was decided: Heavy quilting in the dark purple areas to accent the design- making the reverse applique recede, and the applique to pop. We, or I should say, she, put in some feathers for added interest and beauty.
And voila!
Illumination, Medallion X (56" x 56")
A quilt is born. Illumination, Medallion X (56” x 56”).
Shari has finished the hand reverse applique and quilting - in - the - ditch on the 36” Illumination, Medallion X. I picked it up, thinking it’s ready for the binding and sleeve. Quilting-in-the-ditch is the bare minimum quilting for a piece. Illumination was asking for more. (Do your creations speak to you?)
So the medallion got what it asked for. I put it in my quilting hoop, took up a No. 10 betweens, thread and thimble.
In my quilting hoop for added quilt texture.
Creating as I quilt.
I love the texture that quilting gives to a piece. I’m not someone who quilts a piece within an inch of its life. I like the softness hand quilting gives. I believe the quilting should pay attention to the pattern and enhance the over-all design elements of the piece.
I enjoyed a peaceful week of quilting in the evenings, sitting with my family, and came up with the finished, and very lovely Illumination, Medallion X (36” x 36”).
Illumination, Medallion X (36" x 36")
Illumination, Medallion X pattern comes with complete instructions for making it by hand or machine, as either a 36” or a 56” piece, and full-size pattern pieces, so you don’t need to enlarge it or re-position your fabric as you trace it.
Patterns are up on the website.
I hope you enjoy making and creating Illumination, Medallion X as much as I did.
Don't forget to send us a picture
Email it to us at
We will post it, with your first name, in the "Customer's Creations" album on our Facebook page, and email you a 10% off coupon towards your next purchase on our website.
Quilt Store owners
Patterns are also available from Island Batik with your fabric order, and from Checker Distributors.
See Illumination, Medallion X, live and in person at Island Batik’s booth, #1021, at International Quilt Market/ Spring, May 20 – 22, 2016. Stop in to say hello to us: booth 1322.
Illumination, Medallion X, two ways and two sizes, on display.