in-person Workshop for Quilting on the Green WY in Green River, WY.
Also check out our lecture on the May 31st - Quilting: A Creative Journey
To find out details about quilting on the Green WY and to book to attend either or both events/workshops click here:
All Levels - 8 am - 4 pm, 8 hours (one hour break for lunch)
All Times are Local
Reverse applique gives a unique, dimensional look to your quilted piece! The design is created in the background fabric peeking out of the top fabric. When you do it by machine, it takes no time at all.
Learn the quick and easy steps in Eye of the Beholder’s Trace, Snip, Iron and Stitch process to machine reverse applique, and get pointers on how to satin stitch like a pro. We will perfect our satin stitch techniques using the Practice Pattern first, learning tips for getting smooth curves and sharp inside and outside points, which will prepare you to create our block. See the beauty of the 9” Reverse Applique block, Block 1 or 2, for Yorkshire Pudding table runner XII (14” x 32”) revealed as you stitch. Come be empowered as you make Block 1 or 2! Make it in chocolate brown and butterscotch yellow as our original, green and tan as the remake or re- imagine it in your colors. Learn with others and experience the fun and beauty of reverse appliqué by hand.
Reverse appliqué gives a unique, dimensional look to a quilted piece because the design is made in the background fabric...the negative space…peeking out of the top fabric!
Open up a world of creative possibilities. Reverse Appliqué is fun with the easy 4-step process.
Learn how enjoyable it is to:
* Be inspired and have some fun!
* Easier & speedier by machine with Trace, Snip, Iron & Stitch
DEADLINE TO ORDER SUPPLIES: For PDF just allow yourself time for printing & preparation/ For print pattern & shipped items 5/15/2024 - This will ensure that any orders that need to be shipped will arrive in time for the class. See the supply list for details on ordering the pattern and recommended tools/supplies for the class.
Yorkshire Pudding table runner made in green and tan.
If you want to learn a bit about this technique before the workshop, check out our Tutorials section on the website: Machine Reverse Appliqué Tutorial.
See below for downloadable Workshop preparation/materials list and Practice Piece instructions. It’s essential that you pre-cut as there will not be time in the workshop to do this, so this will help us make best use of our time together. All links open in a new window.
Purchase your copy of Yorkshire Pudding (required for workshop) - available as print pattern or PDF pattern (based on your preference)
View and Download Workshop Supply List for Students/
Preparation before class for Students
View and Download Practice Piece and Instructions (Margaret will also have these available in class)
Recommended items
Why Do We Recommend These Specific Supplies? Read More About It Here In This PDF.
Kai scissors, bent, sharp tipped
Soft Fuse
Beam N Read personal Light (and USB adaptor)
Terial Magic