Godly Thoughts to Sew By — Eye of the Beholder

Eye of the Beholder

original applique patterns inspired by the world around us

Godly Thoughts to Sew By

I was going through my files and ran across this piece that I wrote 20 or so years ago, and I thought I would share it.


"Godly Thoughts to Sew By....

     (or corny, philosophical ramblings of a sew-a-holic)

Just as we learn to sew a neat, straight line He teaches us to walk His straight and narrow path...

...Patience...sewing one stitch at a time, waiting for the new, created thing to become...

...Perseverance...to keep at something when it takes longer than we want, or doesn't come out the way we thought it would...should...

     ...to rip out a seam and try again, and again, and not give up

     ...to take a mistake and discover the new gift that is before us

...Hope...to persevere in the hope of what it will become.

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The tools themselves...needle, thread and fabric, have a message, too.


     ...it pierces the fabric as His word pierces our hearts...always in love...always in truth...

     ...The eye, that is so tiny and difficult to thread..reminding us to keep free from distractions of seeing Him so we may ourselves pass through the eye.

     ...it, made of tempered steel, with eye tipped of gold...that our faith may be strong and to the point, and that golden glory comes to us as we go through the eye...or comes to us as we ascend to meet Him in our "new" life.

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     ...a thin, strong cord, weaving in and out of the fabric as He desires to be threaded throughout our lives...the cord that holds us together...


     ...our lives...whole and holey, yet full of possibilities...holy...

     ...we lay a pattern...as He has a pattern for our lives...

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     ...we cut or tear the whole cloth into specifically designed pieces to make something beautiful and new...He cuts and tears at us, as He designs, to put us together as something beautiful and new...

     ...He is the master tailor, cutting, shaping, pinning and piecing us together...

     ...as we use materials faded and worn, or bright and new...to seam together clothes...piece a quilt...

     ...He uses all our "material"....  Piece by piece, with an Artisan's tender patience, He creates something wonderful and new out of all we give Him...making us fruitful...useful for His Kingdom...

...Just as we piece together a new quilt for warmth...or sew a garment to clothe us...or a pillow to rest our head upon...or make a teddy bear for childlike cuddly, comfort...

     ...He warms us...clothes us...gives us rest...comforts us...that we may know Him...for ourselves...and to give to others... 

Happy Quilting!